A woman examines a book in a reading room

What am I searching?

Manuscripts and Archives at Oxford University searches descriptions of manuscripts and archives held at the Bodleian Libraries and some Oxford colleges, from across 11 online catalogues:

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People sit at desks in a reading room

What can't I search?

Manuscripts and Archives at Oxford University does not cover all material held at the Bodleian Libraries and Oxford college libraries and archives.

  • Print holdings and electronic resources, including modern printed books, antiquarian printed books, periodicals, maps, journals, ephemera, ebooks and e-journals can be searched via SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online).
  • Manuscripts of East and South-East Asia are not yet catalogued online. Guidance on using these collections can be found in the Asian and Middle Eastern special collections research guide.
  • Some colleges maintain their own online manuscript and archive catalogues.

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